
Monday 16/09/24

9GHz Radar Transmitter Simulator

The magnetron in this unit is a 9GHz, 30kW Philips YJ1201, available NOS from Abex UK. It is currently a stock item. They were also manufactured by Varian, and we have both types in stock. (Please note that we advertise these magnetrons as "untested" due to the considerable difficulty involved in testing them, and not because we can't actually do so)

YJ1201 Magnetron

The YJ1201 Magnetron

This image shows a new YJ1201 ready to fit. It has silicone insulated wires pre-attached to the cathode/heater connections and does not require any form of socket.

As can be seen, the vacuum seals are glass and hence some care is required to avoid damage.

Fortunately, they are small and relatively light, so damage is unlikely if a little care is applied.

HV Enclosure

YJ1201 Installed


Here we can see the layout of the HV enclosure, with the YJ1201 magnetron in place.

The magnetron is quite small, and conveniently fits inside the HV enclosure with only the waveguide 16 flange to bring through the side wall.

The PFN and saturable inductor are clearly visible in the top image.

Anechoic Chamber

Anechoic Chamber

In Use by Customer

Here we see the 9GHz system in use inside a large anechoic chamber at the customer premises.

With 30kW of RF, the field strength achieved with a horn fitted is of course very high!

The flexible waveguide allows the RF to be "steered" and is a very nice feature.

Abex (UK) has a selection of flexible waveguides in stock.

UK: 01545 560069
International: +44 1545 560069